I do not in any way use generative AI in any of my photos. Should I ever choose to do so, I will clearly label those photos as being “AI-Generated/AI-Modified”.
The only way that I currently use AI in the processing of my photos is for the removal of sensor noise when I am forced to use an ISO higher than desired. For those not familiar with AI noise removal, here is an explanation…
Digital Sensor Noise from ChatGPT4
Sensor noise in digital photography is an inherent issue that affects image quality. This noise typically appears as random variations in brightness or color, especially in low-light conditions, high ISO settings, or long exposures. It arises from the imperfections and limitations of the camera sensor, including thermal fluctuations, electronic interference, and the randomness of photon arrival. The result can be a grainy image with specks of color or brightness that were not present in the original scene.
AI-driven noise reduction has become a powerful tool in addressing this issue. Traditional methods often involve blurring or averaging pixels, which can reduce noise but also diminish detail. AI, however, uses deep learning algorithms trained on vast datasets of images to differentiate between noise and actual image data. By analyzing patterns across multiple images or within different parts of a single image, AI can selectively reduce noise while preserving important details and textures. This process, known as denoising, results in cleaner, more accurate images that maintain the integrity of the original scene.
Here is an example of one of my photos before and after AI noise reduction (click the image to enlarge).